The last inhabitants
by Nadejda Colesnic
Moldova | 2022 | In development
The villages of Moldova are emptying, people are leaving to big cities to make a living and find themselves. The last inhabitants of the forgotten villages in Moldova continue to live in their villages and have no choice, but to maintain a connection and balance with the natural elements.

Nadejda was born in Moldova. She graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Cinematography with a degree in film directing. She made her graduation film «Love» about a gang of racing drivers. After university, she worked for many years on television as a video editor, and played as a hobby actor in a theater studio for a few years. Now Nadejda works as a director in an educational company and at the same time works on a documentary film about the life of people in forgotten Moldovian villages.
Pitch@MOLDOX – DAE Award (2022)